And he is also called as 'jungle ka jallad' Bheriya finds a master, Bhatiki, who teaches him how to fight. He protects his native forest with a passion, and the natives worshiped him as their wolf God. Bheriya is a towering figure with howling mane, twisting tail and glowing eyes. He starts his new life with the name 'Bheriya'.

Fifty thousand years later the curse is lifted and Kobi finds himself in a jungle in Assam. Survaiya, in a rage at this audacity, curses Kobi and turns him into a gold statue. When Kobi comes of age, he and his father go to claim her. King konkan of konkani tricks and destroys the wolf kingdom of wulfano,but guru Bhatiki-the main saviour and priest of wolfano saves Kobi from being killed and then he brings up Kobi and converts him into a fearsome warrior. Eventually, Survaiya sees through the trick and leaves Wolfa and Kobi to marry another king of moraghah. Wolfa tricks the girl into matrimony, and they have a son, Kobi. She was a princess of the human kingdom Konkani. Their king was a wolf named Wolfa who took fancy to a human girl, Rajkumari Survaiya. More than fifty thousand years ago, there was a kingdom by the name Wolfano, in which lived a highly evolved breed of Wolves who were powerful warriors and walked upright. In 1997 India's first digitally colored comicbook Kobi aur Bheriya was published.

Bheriya was created by Dheeraj Verma in December 1993. Bheriya is a fictional character, an Indian comic book superhero Indian comic book character, published by Raj Comics.